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A great way to ensure you are staying connected with communication from the school is by downloading the John Stubbs app.

Scan the QR code or find the app here: John Stubbs APP 



Each Paying Adult can bring up to 3 students with them Feb 12th

I ALSO have free tickets for any other remaining game of the regular season and can be picked up at the school office.

February 5th Wednesday Westshore Wolves Comox Valley Glacier Kings The Q Center 700pm
February 12th Wednesday Westshore Wolves Saanich Predators The Q Center 700pm
February 16th Sunday Westshore Wolves Saanich Predators Juan de Fuca Arena 330pm
February 19th Wednesday Westshore Wolves Victoria Cougars The Q Center 700pm
February 21st Friday Westshore Wolves Kerry Park Islanders Juan de Fuca Arena 730pm



Girls Rec and Comp volleyball is canceled for today February 4th, 2025



Late French Immersion Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

  • Registration opens on January 29, 2025, at 8:00 AM and closes on February 5, 2025, at 4:00 PM.
  • Optional in-person information sessions for parents:
    • Monday, January 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM at Journey Middle School
    • Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:00 PM at École John Stubbs

Students who choose late immersion will enter the French program in Grade 6 at École John Stubbs Memorial School if their primary address is in the Westshore or at Journey Middle School if their primary address is in East Sooke, Sooke, Jordan River or Port Renfrew. In Grade 8, late immersion students will merge with the students who enrolled in early immersion.


When registering online, please select Late French Immersion as your preference.

There is a lottery system for Late French Immersion (open to students starting grade 6 in September). The lottery will follow the Student Enrolment Priorities and students will be placed in the order in which they are drawn.

Student Enrolment Priorities

*Please note that for École John Stubbs, the elementary and middle schools are considered separate. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Middle School (grade 6-8) or have a child who will be in the middle school the following September, enrolment priorities #2 and #4 apply. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Elementary or will have a child who will be in the elementary school the following September, enrolment priorities #2 or #4 do not apply.

Visit the French Immersion page for more information.

    • Registration for French Immersion Kindergarten opens on January 13, 2025, at 8:00 AM and closes on January 17, 2025, at 4:00 PM.

The catchment schools for French Immersion kindergarten are:

To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school. There are no exceptions.

How to Register:

1. Read the Registration Guide to make sure you have the required documents ready to upload during registration. Please upload ALL required documents. Registration will be incomplete until all documents are uploaded.

Uploading Documents: Don’t have a scanner? Please provide CLEAR photos of the documents. If the document cannot be read clearly, it will not be accepted.

2. Online at registration.sd62.bc.ca.


Lottery system for Kindergarten French Immersion

Due to high demand for Kindergarten French Immersion, if a school receives more registrations per category of enrolment priority than the number of available seats, a lottery will take place. The lottery will follow the Student Enrolment Priorities and students will be placed in the order in which they are drawn.

A wait list will be established according to the lottery. The lottery process will be based on a school-by-school basis.

Student Enrolment Priorities

  1. re-enrolling students
  2. a catchment area child who has a sibling currently attending the school
  3. a catchment area child
  4. a non-catchment child who has a sibling currently attending the school
  5. a non-catchment child
  6. a non-school district child

These enrolment priorities apply to all new registrations and transfer requests.

*Please note that for École John Stubbs, the elementary and middle schools are separate. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Middle School or one who will be in the middle school the following September and are registering another child in École John Stubbs Elementary School, Enrolment Priorities #2 or #4 will not apply.

Multiples: In the event of a lottery, one ballot will be entered into the draw for families with multiples. If drawn, they will be offered placement in the program at the same school provided there is space available.

Visit the Kindergarten page for more information.


Hot Lunch Orders

PAC is excited to announce that hot lunches are back for this school year!

Everyone (those who are new and returning families of all grades (K-8)) will need to register for an account on the PAC hot lunch site (Access code:  JSPAC2024): 


Once registered, add your students to your account and place your lunch orders.  Our lunches are completely optional and are a la carte, so please pick and choose whatever items on the menu that your student would like to eat/drink.

Lunches will be held every Friday

If you have any difficulties with placing an order or with anything related to hot lunches, please email Melissa (jshotlunch@gmail.com).


School Consent Forms

We are requesting that you access our new online consent system and hopefully agree to the terms within.  The District’s online system has several electronic consent forms for you to review:

Our Consent Portal can be accessed HERE and include the following consent forms:

  1. General School Fieldtrips
    • Consent for class walking excursions/short off campus outings.
  2. Google apps for Education
    • A district-managed Google Apps account providing students with a powerful collection of online productivity tools as well as online file storage.
    • Click HERE for detailed instructions on how to set up your student’s GAFE account.
  3. My Blueprint
    • A platform for career education, digital portfolios and self-assessment of core competencies.
  4. School Cash Online
  5. SpacesEDU*
    • Your child’s teacher is planning to use an on-line tool called SpacesEDU as part of communicating student learning for your child this year. You can visit their website at https://spacesedu.com/en/
  6. NA’TSA’MAHT Indigenous Education Self-Identification
    • In addition to the indigenous content delivered within classroom curriculum  if you child self-identifies as having Aboriginal ancestry, in-class support is available weekly.
  7. Internet Access*
    • Access to the school sponsored internet.
  8. Media Consent*
    • Consent to collect, retain, use and disclose photographs, videos, images of students in a variety of publications and on the school district’s website for educational purposes, such as recognizing and encouraging student achievements.

* Must be completed each school year



A friendly reminder that the initial set up of your account must be completed from a computer (not a mobile device).

My Education Website Click HERE

We are excited to use MyEd BC Family Portal to facilitate greater communication between teachers, schools, and families. The portal allows parents/guardians to view:

  • Class Attendance Information
  • Contact Information
  • Assessments
  • IEP’s (If Applicable)
  • Student Schedules
  • Published Report Cards
  • Published Student Information Verification Forms

It is important that you log in and get acquainted with the portal since you will be receiving your students report card through the parent portal as well as your annual Verification Sheets.

Login Instructions

  1. Visit https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do
  2. Make sure pop-ups are enabled on your browser and you are on a computer, NOT a mobile device!
  3. Your login information will have been sent to you from sysadmin@myeducation.gov.bc.ca

Find your password

We have developed a tool to help parents/guardians look up their temporary MyEd BC Portal password. If you have never accessed MyEd BC Portal, please visit the MyEd BC portal page on our website here. Looking for your password? Use our password toolIf you continue to experience difficulties signing in to your MyEd parent portal, please contact your child’s school directly. 


  1. What is my UserID?
    Your UserId is the email address we have on file for you (the email where you receive all of our communications)
  2. I forgot my password, what should I do?
    Please use the “I Forgot my Password” link on the Myeducation BC login page
  3. I am getting an error that my account has been disabled, what should I do?
    Please email johnstubbs@sd62.bc.ca with a screen shot of the error message and we will do our best to help troubleshoot your problem.

Additional Portal help can be found HERE

* Security MyEdBC is a secure student information system used in all public school districts in the province of BC. Security is guided by the rules and regulations of the School Act and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Access to your child’s information is only provided to legal guardian(s). Each parent or legal guardian will have their own account.


*Please do not feel obligated to purchase from Strong Start. Feel free to reuse supplies that you may already have on hand.

Elementary School Supply Information for 2024-2025 year

PAC has partnered with School Start to offer pre-made, customizable kits that include the listed supplies below that will be delivered to your door.  You may also choose to print off the list and purchase the items yourself. Order online here: School Start Online 

Create an account, select your province and then select your school (Ecole John Stubbs Memorial) then start shopping.

Kindergarten – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 1 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 2 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 3 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 4 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 5 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Middle School Supply Lists for 2024-2025 year

PAC has partnered with School Start to offer pre-made, customizable kits that include the listed supplies below that will be delivered to your door.  You may also choose to print off the list and purchase the items yourself. Order online here: School Start Online  

Create an account, select your province and then select your school (Ecole John Stubbs Memorial) then start shopping.

Grade 6 Late Immersion – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 6 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 7 and Late 7 – School Supply List 2024-2025

Grade 8 – School Supply List 2024-2025