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As we are starting our planning for the next school year, we’d like to give you some information about our middle school Band program.  Please read the attached document and complete the link in the document by March 15, 2024.

If you have any questions about Band, you can direct them to our current Band teacher, Mme Daykin at cdaykin@sd62.bc.ca or school principal Mellissa Ryan at mryan@sd62.bc.ca.

École John Stubbs Band Introduction Letter 2024

École John Stubbs Band Introduction Letter 2024

Thank you.


Bus Registration HERE


The French Immersion Kindergarten registration window for the 2024/25 school year opens on
January 15 at 8:00 a.m. and closes on January 19 at 11:59 p.m.

The catchment schools for French Immersion kindergarten are:

To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school. There are no exceptions.

Parents/guardians interested in registering their child in the French Immersion kindergarten are invited to attend an information session: 

January 10, 2024 | 6:00 p.m. at École John Stubbs Memorial

How to Register:

1. Read the Registration Guide to make sure you have the required documents ready to upload during registration. Please upload ALL required documents. Registration will be incomplete until all documents are uploaded.

Uploading Documents: Don’t have a scanner? Please provide CLEAR photos of the documents. If the document cannot be read clearly, it will not be accepted.

2. Online at registration.sd62.bc.ca.


Lottery system for Kindergarten French Immersion

Due to high demand for Kindergarten French Immersion, if a school receives more registrations per category of enrolment priority than the number of available seats, a lottery will take place. The lottery will follow the Student Enrolment Priorities and students will be placed in the order in which they are drawn.

A wait list will be established according to the lottery. The lottery process will be based on a school-by-school basis.

Student Enrolment Priorities

  1. re-enrolling students
  2. a catchment area child who has a sibling currently attending the school
  3. a catchment area child
  4. a non-catchment child who has a sibling currently attending the school
  5. a non-catchment child
  6. a non-school district child

These enrolment priorities apply to all new registrations and transfer requests.

*Please note that for École John Stubbs, the elementary and middle schools are separate. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Middle School or one who will be in the middle school the following September and are registering another child in École John Stubbs Elementary School, Enrolment Priorities #2 or #4 will not apply.

Multiples: In the event of a lottery, one ballot will be entered into the draw for families with multiples. If drawn, they will be offered placement in the program at the same school provided there is space available.

Visit the Kindergarten page for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the lottery work?
  • When will the results of the lottery be available?
  • How many seats are available in each French Immersion school?
  • Will the results of the lottery be made public?
  • I already have an older child in the school. If a lottery takes place, does this mean that an out of catchment child will be accepted before my younger child?
  • Do I need to enter the lottery in addition to registering my child?
  • Do I need a computer in order to register?
  • Do I need an email address to register?
  • I do not have a scanner. Can I upload photos of required documents?
  • What if my child is not selected in the lottery?
  • I have multiples. Will each of their names be entered into the lottery?
  • I have a child in Grades 6-8 at École John Stubbs. I am registering another child in Kindergarten – Grade 5. Will the Enrolment Priority count as they are siblings?

School Consent Forms

We are requesting that you access our new online consent system and hopefully agree to the terms within.  The District’s online system has several electronic consent forms for you to review:

Our Consent Portal can be accessed HERE and include the following consent forms:

  1. General School Fieldtrips
    • Consent for class walking excursions/short off campus outings.
  2. Google apps for Education
    • A district-managed Google Apps account providing students with a powerful collection of online productivity tools as well as online file storage.
    • Click HERE for detailed instructions on how to set up your student’s GAFE account.
  3. My Blueprint
    • A platform for career education, digital portfolios and self-assessment of core competencies.
  4. School Cash Online
  5. SpacesEDU*
    • Your child’s teacher is planning to use an on-line tool called SpacesEDU as part of communicating student learning for your child this year. You can visit their website at https://spacesedu.com/en/
  6. NA’TSA’MAHT Indigenous Education Self-Identification
    • In addition to the indigenous content delivered within classroom curriculum  if you child self-identifies as having Aboriginal ancestry, in-class support is available weekly.
  7. Internet Access*
    • Access to the school sponsored internet.
  8. Media Consent*
    • Consent to collect, retain, use and disclose photographs, videos, images of students in a variety of publications and on the school district’s website for educational purposes, such as recognizing and encouraging student achievements.

* Must be completed each school year


Colour Calendar 2023-24

Calendar 2023-24 – FINAL



 Reminder of our cell phone rule “Bell to Bell, NO Cell”. First time a student is using their phone at an inappropriate time, the phone will be kept in the office for the rest of the day. To communicate with your child, please phone the school office. 250-478-5571. Please don’t expect your child to text you during the day when they are focusing on schoolwork and friends. The office is there to smooth communication. Merci!



Please see John Stubbs Parent Handbook here NOTE: Any future updates/changes will be highlighted in yellow


One of the most important factors to keeping schools safe is a daily screening for any COVID-19 symptoms, and having students and staff stay home if sick. Daily health checks continue to  be required.  To support daily screening, a new K-12 health-checker app has been developed for students and families and can be found at: K-12 Health Check (gov.bc.ca)



If your child is going to be absent from school, please email johnstubbs@sd62.bc.ca with the date(s), student’s first and last name.  If they are absent due to illness, please add ‘illness’ in the subject header. Thank you!