Our Poinsettia fundraiser is now live!
OrdAC2021) https://johnstubbs.hotlunches.net/admin/
*You will need to recreate your Hot Lunch account for the 2021/2022 school year before you can order* Pickup will be the weekend of Nov. 27.
The pickup address and instructions will be sent to everyone who orders closer to the date.er and payment deadline is Nov. 7 at 11:59 p m. No late orders will be accepted.
Please order online at the hot lunch site (Access code: JSPAC2021)
https://johnstubbs.hotlunches. net/admin/
*You will need to recreate your Hot Lunch account for the 2021/2022 school year before you can order*
Pickup will be the weekend of Nov. 27. The pickup address and instructions will be sent to everyone who orders closer to the date.